Monday, December 30, 2019

Biography of Annie Jump Cannon, Classifier of Stars

Annie Jump Cannon (December 11, 1863–April 13, 1941) was an American astronomer whose work in star cataloging led to the development of modern star classification systems. Along with her groundbreaking work in astronomy, Cannon was a suffragist and activist for women’s rights. Fast Facts: Annie Jump Cannon Known For: American astronomer who created the modern star classification system and broke ground for women in astronomyBorn: December 11, 1863 in Dover, DelawareDied: April 13, 1941 in Cambridge, MassachusettsSelected Honors: Honorary doctorates from University of Groningen (1921) and Oxford University (1925), Henry Draper Medal (1931), Ellen Richards Prize (1932), National Womens Hall of Fame (1994)Notable Quote: Teaching man his relatively small sphere in the creation, it also encourages him by its lessons of the unity of Nature and shows him that his power of comprehension allies him with the great intelligence over-reaching all. Early Life Annie Jump Cannon was the eldest of three daughters born to Wilson Cannon and his wife Mary (neà ¨ Jump). Wilson Cannon was a state senator in Delaware, as well as a ship builder. It was Mary who encouraged Annie’s education from the very start, teaching her the constellations and encouraging her to pursue her interests in science and math. Throughout Annie’s childhood, mother and daughter stargazed together, using old textbooks to identify and map out the stars they could see from their own attic. Sometime during her childhood or young adulthood, Annie suffered major hearing loss, possibly due to scarlet fever. Some historians believe she was hard of hearing from childhood onward, while others suggest that she was already a young adult in her post-college years when she lost her hearing. Her hearing loss reportedly made it difficult for her to socialize, so Annie immersed herself more completely in her work. She never married, had children, or had publicly known romantic attachments. Annie attended Wilmington Conference Academy (known today as Wesley College) and excelled, particularly in math. In 1880, she began studying as Wellesley College, one of the best American colleges for women, where she studied astronomy and physics. She graduated as valedictorian in 1884, then returned home to Delaware. Teacher, Assistant, Astronomer In 1894, Annie Jump Cannon suffered a major loss when her mother Mary died. With home life in Delaware becoming more difficult, Annie wrote to her former professor at Wellesley, the physicist and astronomer Sarah Frances Whiting, to ask if she had any job openings. Whiting obliged and hired her as a junior-level physics teacher—which also enabled Annie to continue her education, taking graduate-level courses in physics, spectroscopy, and astronomy. To continue pursuing her interests, Annie needed access to a better telescope, so she enrolled at Radcliffe College, which had a special arrangement with nearby Harvard to have professors give their lectures both at Harvard and Radcliffe. Annie gained access to the Harvard Observatory, and in 1896, she was hired by its director, Edward C. Pickering, as an assistant. Pickering hired several women to assist him on his major project: completing the Henry Draper Catalogue, an extensive catalogue with the goal of mapping and defining every star in the sky (up to a photographic magnitude of 9). Funded by Anna Draper, Henry Draper’s widow, the project took up significant manpower and resources. Creating a Classification System Soon into the project, a disagreement arose over how to classify the stars they were observing. One woman on the project, Antonia Maury (who was Draper’s niece) argued for a complex system, while another colleague, Williamina Fleming (who was Pickering’s chosen supervisor) wanted a simple system. It was Annie Jump Cannon who figured out a third system as a compromise. She divided stars into the spectral classes O, B, A, F, G, K, M—a system which is still taught to astronomy students today. Annie’s first catalog of stellar spectra was published in 1901, and her career accelerated from that point on. She received a master’s degree in 1907 from Wellesley College, completing her studies from years earlier. In 1911, she became the Curator of Astronomical Photographs at Harvard, and three years later, she became an honorary member of the Royal Astronomical Society in the U.K. Despite these honors, Annie and her female colleagues were often criticized for working, rather than being housewives, and were often underpaid for long hours and tedious work. Regardless of criticism, Annie persisted, and her career flourished. In 1921, she was among the first women to receive an honorary doctorate from a European university when the Dutch university Groningen University awarded her an honorary degree in math and astronomy. Four years later, she was awarded an honorary doctorate by Oxford – making her the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate of science from the elite university. Annie also joined the suffragist movement, advocating for women’s rights and, specifically, the extension of the right to vote; the right to vote for all women was finally won in 1928, eight years after the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920. Annie’s work was noted for being incredibly rapid and accurate. At her peak, she could classify 3 stars per minute, and she classified around 350,000 over the course of her career. She also discovered 300 variable stars, five novas, and one spectroscopic binary star. In 1922, the International Astronomical Union officially adopted Cannons stellar classification system; it is still used, with only minor changes, to this day. In addition to her work on classifications, she served as a sort of ambassador within the astronomy field, helping forge partnerships among colleagues. She assumed a similar role for the astronomy field’s public-facing work: she wrote books presenting astronomy for public consumption, and she represented professional women at the 1933 World’s Fair. Retirement and Later Life Annie Jump Cannon was named the William C. Bond Astronomer at Harvard University in 1938. She remained in that position before retiring in 1940 at the age of 76. Despite being officially retired, however, Annie continued to work in the observatory. In 1935, she created the Annie J. Cannon Prize to honor women’s contributions to the field of astronomy. She continued to help women gain a foothold and gain respect in the scientific community, leading by example while also lifting up the work of fellow women in science. Annie’s work was continued by some of her colleagues. Most notably, the famous astronomer Cecilia Payne was one of Annie’s collaborators, and she used some of Annie’s data to support her groundbreaking work that determined that stars are composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. Annie Jump Cannon died on April 13, 1941. Her death came after a long illness and hospitalization. In honor of her countless contributions to astronomy, the American Astronomical Society presents an annual award named for her—the Annie Jump Cannon Award—to female astronomers whose work has been especially distinguished. Sources Des Jardins, Julie.  The Madame Curie Complex—The Hidden History of Women in Science. New York: Feminist Press, 2010.Mack, Pamela (1990).  Straying from their orbits: Women in astronomy in America. In Kass-Simon, G.; Farnes, Patricia; Nash, Deborah.  Women of Science: Righting the Record. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990.Sobel, Dava.  The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars. Penguin: 2016.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Domestic Violence And The Scary Truth Behind It - 1439 Words

Domestic Violence and the scary truth behind it Each year an estimated two to four million women in the United States are abused by their male partners. Many of them are severely physically assaulted, and thousands are killed. Domestic abuse appears not only with physical violence, but it is very prevalent in psychological abuse. When growing up many children will grow up in a violent home and see the abuse that their parent suffers from their spouse. Due to this they come to have these same actions towards their future spouse. They, the abuser, at times come to believe the abuse is justified. Eighty-five percent of women are victims of domestic violence, and are most likely to suffer from a form of mental or physical illness. Many kids†¦show more content†¦Abusers typically play into this by putting the mother down in front of her children and telling them that their mother is â€Å"crazy† or â€Å"stupid† and that they do not have to listen to her. Seeing their mothers treated with enormous disrespect, teaches children that they can disrespect women the way their fathers do. Most experts believe that children who are raised in abusive homes learn that violence is an effective way to resolve conflicts and problems. They may replicate the violence they witnessed as children in their teen and adult relationships and parenting experiences. Boys who witness their mothers’ abuse are more likely to abuse their female partners as adults than boys who were rose in nonviolent homes. For girls, it may result in the belief that threats and violence are normal in relationships. Children from violent homes have higher risks of alcohol/drug abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, and juvenile delinquency. Even though the abuser at times comes to believe the abuse was justified, many young ladies suffer from a form of illness being physical or mental .Domestic violence can take place in many different forms, such as physical, emotional, verbal, economic and sexual abuse. The abuse often happens because the abuser believes that the abuse is justified and acceptable. There is often a cycle when being

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Deception Point Page 93 Free Essays

POTUS. She felt a sudden surge of hope. Something about POTUS struck Gabrielle as being a perfect Sexton password. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 93 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Simple, positive, self-referential. She quickly typed in the letters. POTUS. Holding her breath, she hit â€Å"return.† The computer beeped. Invalid Password – Access Denied Slumping, Gabrielle gave up. She headed back toward the bathroom door to exit the way she had come. She was halfway across the room, when her cellphone rang. She was already on edge, and the sound startled her. Stopping short, she pulled out her phone and glanced up to check the time on Sexton’s prized Jourdain grandfather clock. Almost 4:00 A.M. At this hour, Gabrielle knew the caller could only be Sexton. He was obviously wondering where the hell she was. Do I pick up or let it ring? If she answered, Gabrielle would have to lie. But if she didn’t, Sexton would get suspicious. She took the call. â€Å"Hello?† â€Å"Gabrielle?† Sexton sounded impatient. â€Å"What’s keeping you?† â€Å"The FDR Memorial,† Gabrielle said. â€Å"The taxi got hemmed in, and now we’re-â€Å" â€Å"You don’t sound like you’re in a taxi.† â€Å"No,† she said, her blood pumping now. â€Å"I’m not. I decided to stop by my office and pick up some NASA documents that might be relevant to PODS. I’m having some trouble finding them.† â€Å"Well, hurry up. I want to schedule a press conference for the morning, and we need to talk specifics.† â€Å"I’m coming soon,† she said. There was a pause on the line. â€Å"You’re in your office?† He sounded suddenly confused. â€Å"Yeah. Another ten minutes and I’ll be on my way over.† Another pause. â€Å"Okay. I’ll see you soon.† Gabrielle hung up, too preoccupied to notice the loud and distinctive triple-tick of Sexton’s prized Jourdain grandfather clock only a few feet away. 113 Michael Tolland did not realize Rachel was hurt until he saw the blood on her arm as he pulled her to cover behind the Triton. He sensed from the catatonic look on her face that she was not aware of any pain. Steadying her, Tolland wheeled to find Corky. The astrophysicist scrambled across the deck to join them, his eyes blank with terror. We’ve got to find cover, Tolland thought, the horror of what had just happened not yet fully registering. Instinctively, his eyes raced up the tiers of decks above them. The stairs leading up to the bridge were all in the open, and the bridge itself was a glass box-a transparent bull’s-eye from the air. Going up was suicide, which left only one other direction to go. For a fleeting instant, Tolland turned a hopeful gaze to the Triton submersible, wondering perhaps if he could get everyone underwater, away from the bullets. Absurd. The Triton had room for one person, and the deployment winch took a good ten minutes to lower the sub through the trap door in the deck to the ocean thirty feet below. Besides, without properly charged batteries and compressors, the Triton would be dead in the water. â€Å"Here they come!† Corky shouted, his voice shrill with fear as he pointed into the sky. Tolland didn’t even look up. He pointed to a nearby bulkhead, where an aluminum ramp descended belowdecks. Corky apparently needed no encouragement. Keeping his head low, Corky scurried toward the opening and disappeared down the incline. Tolland put a firm arm around Rachel’s waist and followed. The two of them disappeared belowdecks just as the helicopter returned, spraying bullets overhead. Tolland helped Rachel down the grated ramp to the suspended platform at the bottom. As they arrived, Tolland could feel Rachel’s body go suddenly rigid. He wheeled, fearing maybe she’d been hit by a ricocheting bullet. When he saw her face, he knew it was something else. Tolland followed her petrified gaze downward and immediately understood. Rachel stood motionless, her legs refusing to move. She was staring down at the bizarre world beneath her. Because of its SWATH design, the Goya had no hull but rather struts like a giant catamaran. They had just descended through the deck onto a grated catwalk that hung above an open chasm, thirty feet straight down to the raging sea. The noise was deafening here, reverberating off the underside of the deck. Adding to Rachel’s terror was the fact that the ship’s underwater spotlights were still illuminated, casting a greenish effulgence deep into the ocean directly beneath her. She found herself gazing down at six or seven ghostly silhouettes in the water. Enormous hammerhead sharks, their long shadows swimming in place against the current-rubbery bodies flexing back and forth. Tolland’s voice was in her ear. â€Å"Rachel, you’re okay. Eyes straight ahead. I’m right behind you.† His hands were reaching around from behind, gently trying to coax her clenched fists off the banister. It was then that Rachel saw the crimson droplet of blood roll off her arm and fall through the grating. Her eyes followed the drip as it plummeted toward the sea. Although she never saw it hit the water, she knew the instant it happened because all at once the hammerheads spun in unison, thrusting with their powerful tails, crashing together in a roiling frenzy of teeth and fins. Enhanced telencephalon olfactory lobes†¦ They smell blood a mile away. â€Å"Eyes straight ahead,† Tolland repeated, his voice strong and reassuring. â€Å"I’m right behind you.† Rachel felt his hands on her hips now, urging her forward. Blocking out the void beneath her, Rachel started down the catwalk. Somewhere above she could hear the rotors of the chopper again. Corky was already well out in front of them, reeling across the catwalk in a kind of drunken panic. Tolland called out to him. â€Å"All the way to the far strut, Corky! Down the stairs!† Rachel could now see where they were headed. Up ahead, a series of switchback ramps descended. At water level, a narrow, shelflike deck extended the length of the Goya. Jutting off this deck were several small, suspended docks, creating a kind of miniature marina stationed beneath the ship. A large sign read: DIVE AREA Swimmers May Surface without Warning – Boats Proceed with Caution- Rachel could only assume Michael did not intend for them to do any swimming. Her trepidation intensified when Tolland stopped at a bank of wire-mesh storage lockers flanking the catwalk. He pulled open the doors to reveal hanging wetsuits, snorkels, flippers, life jackets, and spearguns. Before she could protest, he reached in and grabbed a flare gun. â€Å"Let’s go.† They were moving again. Up ahead, Corky had reached the switchback ramps and was already halfway down. â€Å"I see it!† he shouted, his voice sounding almost joyous over the raging water. See what? Rachel wondered as Corky ran along the narrow walkway. All she could see was a shark-infested ocean lapping dangerously close. Tolland urged her forward, and suddenly Rachel could see what Corky was so excited about. At the far end of the decking below, a small powerboat was moored. Corky ran toward it. Rachel stared. Outrun a helicopter in a motorboat? â€Å"It has a radio,† Tolland said. â€Å"And if we can get far enough away from the helicopter’s jamming†¦ â€Å" Rachel did not hear another word he said. She had just spied something that made her blood run cold. â€Å"Too late,† she croaked, extending a trembling finger. We’re finished†¦ When Tolland turned, he knew in an instant it was over. At the far end of the ship, like a dragon peering into the opening of a cave, the black helicopter had dropped down low and was facing them. For an instant, Tolland thought it was going to fly directly at them through the center of the boat. But the helicopter began to turn at an angle, taking aim. Tolland followed the direction of the gun barrels. No! How to cite Deception Point Page 93, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Accenture-Using-Mergers-And-Acquisitions free essay sample

Herd, Ken Dickman, Joey Lantus and Natalie Francis Table of contents Introduction 3 Key Strengths of Consumer Goods and Services Leaders 4 Strategic Category Leadership 6 Consumer Focus 9 Flexible and Low-Cost Operations 12 Conclusion 14 2 | Using Mergers Acquisitions to Achieve Strategic Objectives and High Performance in the Consumers Goods and Services Industry The consumer goods and services (CGS) industry†whose primary product categories are household, personal care, and t nd beverage† constantly evolves to address market and customer trends while positioning itself for future growth and profitability. Historically, it has been a rather fragmented industry, with only a few clear category leaders that dominate on a global scale. Furthermore, CGS high performers have consistently focused on building number-one or number-two positions in a limited number of innovation-sensitive categories or niches. However, recent years have brought changes to the dynamics of this landscape. Most significantly, a US economic recession has strongly impacted all industries. We will write a custom essay sample on Accenture-Using-Mergers-And-Acquisitions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page CGS companies have been forced to reevaluate their product lines, operating models, and target markets, seeking to align their portfolios of businesses and products to recover from recent industry challenges and pursue high performance in the future. In this paper, Accenture explores how CGS companies are turning to merger and acquisition strategies to address key industry challenges and market trends, and pursue market leadership in an increasingly competitive landscape through constant reevaluation and realignment of their product portfolios. Specifically, we review three areas in which high-performance usinesses in the CGS industry excel: strategic category leadership, consumer focus, and flexible, low-cost operations. We also discuss how CGS companies are using buy-side and sell-side transactions to improve their performance in these areas and meet investors increasingly demanding expectations. Key Strengths of Consumer Goods and There are specific qualities that separate high-performance consumer goods and services companies trom others. In fact, Accentures ongoing Highperformance Business research has identified four distinctive capabilities and one market focus and position in hich these industry leaders excel: High Performance Management, Market Focus and Position While all of these contribute to the pursuit of high performance among leading CGS companies, the first three†strategic category leadership, consumer focus, and flexible and low-cost operations† are the ones that such organizations seek to achieve through mergers and acquisitions. Strategic category leadership, which Accenture defines as the ability to ensure investments are focused on categories in which the company can win and, in the process, drive value creation. Distinctive Capabilities Consumer focus, also known as Solution Marketing, which enables companies to respond to trends that could disrupt their product portfolio with appropriate and differentiated new offers that meet consumer needs. Flexible and low-cost operations, which centers on achieving scale efficiencies in the companys back office and supply chain while maintaining strong local commercial functions, such as sales and marketing, which are critical to gaining share in local markets. Customer Channel Management, which is a companys ability to drive financial goals in performance measurement and to multiply talent to generate superior levels of effort. When pursuing excellence in these three areas, CGS companies often find that internal efforts only take them so far and do not enable them to meet investor expectations. Thats why MA has become increasingly important to, and prevalent among, leading CGS companies. For example, when valuing a consumer goods company, investors place at least as much importance on the companys future value as on its current value. Inherent in that valuation is the expectation the company will continue to innovate and create more offerings that capture consumers attention and meet their needs. However, in most cases a CGS company annot meet investors growth expectations by tweaking or organically innovating its existing business. Even if management pulled all available levers to enhance the companys return on invested capital (ROIC), the result may not be enough to close the gap between actual and expected performance. In other words, companies must do more than improve upon their existing business to satisfy investors. And that more is enabled by MA: It allows companies to close the gap between their current financial performance and where investors expect them to be. MA can help consumer goods companies substantially improve in ocus, and flexible and low-cost operations, either by expanding upon existing capabilities or by acquiring entirely new capabilities that can help the company achieve its growth goals. which includes a laser focus on key customers, channels and optimal product availability in the marketplace. Using Mergers Acquisitions to Achieve Strategic Objectives and 5 Strategic Category Leadership The core of strategic category leadership is based on building a strong, dominant brand portfolio in specific categories. It entails leveraging the scale of global brands, while introducing local items in high-potential merging markets to augment those brands. How does MA help CGS companies achieve these goals? In addition, companies should invest in selective MA and in the rigorous disposal of non-core businesses, as well as establish a vision and strategy that focuses on the new business and target brands. For example, Kraft strives to hold a #1 or #2 market position in every category and, as a result, divested Post in 2007 because the brand did not consistently maintain a market position that met the companys objectives. Similarly, Procter Gamble narrowed its focus as a category leader in household roducts by systematically divesting its food businesses such as JIF, Planters, and most recently, Pringles. Investment in strategic companies is one half of the equation, while investment in post-merger integration leadership, strategy, and execution When executed properly, acquisitions can empower a company to create a portfolio of is the other half. l brands that build off each others strengths Acquisitions also can enhance strategic without cannibalizing one another. For category leadership by giving acquirers instance, Reckitt Benckiser, the worlds first-mover advantage in emerging markets, hird-largest home care company and as well as access to affordable real estate fifth-largest OTC drug company, continues and assets while prices are still low. In to add nome and personal care products some instances, MA provides companies to its portfolio through acquisitions. It with access to pre-existing licensing deals has identified a group of 19 key products as Powerbrands, which range from dish held by the target companies. For instance, soap to air freshener to cold medicine. when J. M. Smucker acquired Folgers, the Through this portfolio of acquired brands, latter brands licensing and distribution he company provides consumers with agreement with Dunkin Donuts gave Smucker multiple products that meet home and accelerated access to new points of personal care needs, without taking share distribution and partnership relationships. away from its other product categories.