Sunday, August 23, 2020

Conjugating Diriger (to Direct) in French

Conjugating Diriger (to Direct) in French In French, the verbâ dirigerâ means to coordinate. Its a basic word, however conjugating it to the past, present, or future tense can be somewhat dubious. That is on the grounds that there are a couple of spelling changes that you have to keep an eye out for. Dont stress, however, aâ quick exercise will tell you the best way to deal with this action word. Conjugating the French Verb Diriger Dirigerâ is aâ spelling change verbâ and it follows the example of different action words that end in - ger. This includesâ dã ©rangerâ (to disturb)â andâ bougerâ (to move), among others. The spelling change is subtleâ but significant. As you study the table of conjugations, notice how a couple of structures follow the G with an I instead of an E. This is done to guarantee that the G is articulated with a delicate sound in light of the fact that specific vowels regularly transform it to a hard stable. In light of that, basically coordinate the subject pronoun with the present, future, or defective past tense. For example, I direct is je dirige and we will coordinate is nous dirigerons. Subject Present Future Blemished je dirige dirigerai dirigeais tu diriges dirigeras dirigeais il dirige dirigera dirigeait nous dirigeons dirigerons dirigions vous dirigez dirigerez dirigiez ils dirigent dirigeront dirigeaient The Present Participle of Diriger To changeâ dirigerâ to theâ present participle, include - antâ to the action word stem to createâ dirigeant. This is very adaptable as it goes about as an action word, descriptor, ing word, or thing varying. The Passã © Composã © and Past Participle Aâ common approach to communicate the past tense coordinated is with the passã © composã ©. To shape this, include theâ past participleâ dirig㠩â to the subject pronoun and fitting conjugation of theâ auxiliary verbâ avoir. For instance, I coordinated is jai dirigã © and we coordinated is nous avons dirigã ©. Notice howâ aiâ andâ avonsâ are conjugates ofâ avoirâ and the past participle doesn't change. More Simple Diriger Conjugations There may likewise be times when you have to utilize one of the accompanying conjugations. The subjunctive action word state of mind is helpful when there is some level of vulnerability to the action word. In like manner, the restrictive is utilized when it could conceivably happen on the grounds that the activity relies upon something. Those are utilized more regularly than the other two structures. Its presumable that you will just experience the passã © straightforward and blemished subjunctive in formal composition. Subject Subjunctive Restrictive Pass Simple Blemished Subjunctive je dirige dirigerais dirigeai dirigeasse tu diriges dirigerais dirigeas dirigeasses il dirige dirigerait dirigea diriget nous dirigions dirigerions dirigemes dirigeassions vous dirigiez dirigeriez dirigetes dirigeassiez ils dirigent dirigeraient dirigrent dirigeassent To expressâ dirigerâ in orders or demands, utilize the basic structure. While doing as such, the subject pronoun isn't required, so you can utilize dirige rather thanâ tu dirige. Basic (tu) dirige (nous) dirigeons (vous) dirigez

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