Saturday, February 29, 2020

Automatic Flight Control Systems Engineering Essay

Automatic Flight Control Systems Engineering Essay We live in a world where technology is, if not being improved, developed by the second. Everyday new improvements, inventions and discoveries are made. One industry that is always on the lead when it comes to new inventions and innovations is the Aviation Industry. Over the years, aircrafts have been facing major improvements on the structure, fuel efficiency, life-span, range of flight. But one of the best improvements that have been done on every aircraft (commercial) that had the biggest impact in the Aviation Industry and most probably the main reason why the industry has been booming up is the improvements done in the Avionics section, specifically the Automatic Flight Controls. In the beginning, Pilots were trained to fly the aircrafts alone. But after several years, it is now the pilots programming the computer, telling it where to fly, at what altitude, etc. This computer is the AFCS (Automatic Flight Control System). In today’s modern world of flying, it is the AFCS who is technically flying the aircraft, from cruising to landing, and for some until parking. The AFCS has a lot of advantages when compared to human pilots when it comes to flying. Here are some of them: The AFCS has the ability to overcome deficiencies when it comes to stability and control. The AFCS improved the handling qualities. Such as, when the airspeed or the altitude of the aircraft needs to be constant. The AFCS is more accurate and hence is able to carry out several tasks that the pilot is not able to do. * Source: Emirates Aviation College’s Automatic Flight Control Systems Book (Chapter 3.1.3) To get a better understanding of the AFCS, the different parts of it will be discussed, such as the Autopilot System, Flight Director System, Auto Throttle System and etc. The information about the AFCS will be based on one of Boeing’s classic aircrafts, the 737-500. FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FMS) The Flight Management System is navigation, combined flight control, a Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) and a guidance system. The FMS provides control and operation of five independent subsystems to provide lateral navigation (LNAV) and vertical navigation (VNAV) for performance management and optimum flight profiles. The Flight Management System is not labeled to any control panel or any single component as it is an integration of five independent subsystems. These subsystems are: Digital Flight Control System (DFCS) Inertial Reference System (IRS) Autothrottle Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) Flight Management Computer System (FMCS) * Source: United Airlines’ Boeing 737-322/522 (page 6, Chapter 22-2, Oct ’99) from Emirates Aviation College Library This system was designed to increase fuel efficiency, safety and decrease workload. For both pilots, this means that they can select full FMS operation or Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) for a complete automatic flight. They can even use the Control Display Units (CDU) to pr ovide, for manual flight, reference information. Management and operation is totally under the control of the flight crew. There are only certain operations that can only be implemented by the flight crew. They are: landing rollout steering, thrust reversal, speed brake operation, altitude selection, landing gear and flap operation, instrument landing system (ILS) tuning, thrust initiation, brake release, airplane rotation and steering during takeoff roll.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Discuss the Definition and the source of christian theology , and how Essay - 1

Discuss the Definition and the source of christian theology , and how is systematic theology related to biblical theology and christian ethics - Essay Example Systematic theology’s exact beginnings are uncertain although Origen’s work, On First Principles, during the third century Greek Church, is one of the earliest works on it (Fiorenza, 2011, p.7). Systematic theology has continued to develop since this time, although it also has become the product of criticisms because of its ambiguous definitions, components and directions, among other reasons (Healy, 2009, p.25). This paper describes the definitions and elements of systematic theology, compares it with other branches of theology, discusses its effects on Christian ethics, explores its interrelationship of different doctrines, and understands how it can be applied through the decision-making process of believers. Theologians do not agree on an exact definition of systematic theology because of a number of reasons, such as shifting approaches to theology across time (Williams, 2006, p.199) and differences in perceptions of the importance of â€Å"systematic† as a biblical discipline (Healy, 2009, p.25), so the paper provides its definitions to show its scope and dynamic characteristics. Before defining â€Å"systematic theology,† this paper defines â€Å"theology† first. Theology basically pertains to the â€Å"the study or science of God† (Erickson, 1998, p.22). This definition is too simplistic, however, because God’s works and His relationship with His believers are also subjects of theology (Erickson, 1998, p.22). A comprehensive definition of theology is it is a: ..discipline which strives to give a coherent statement of the doctrines of the Christian faith, based primarily on the Scriptures, placed in the context of culture in general, worded in a contemporary idiom, and related to issues of life. (Erickson, 1998, p.22) The next to be discussed are the different meanings of systematic theology. Enns (2008) uses

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Journal 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Journal 2 - Research Paper Example In my opinion, this question is a critic to capitalism as one of the real events depicted in the film. The director use of rational signs in the detention shows connections revelations that provoke legalized solutions. The first robbery in Argentina leaves a lot of traces and signs that are littered in the streets of Buenos Aires Suburb. The signs left are of dead bodies, vehicles and firearms, which prove a different approach from the other films since directors ensure lack of traces, incase of such a crime. The film depicts a society that lacks morals despite having police officers depict the rule of law. The fact that a gang of thieves can comfortably rob and get away leaving numerous people dead and other hurt depict the lack of morals. Similarly, the destruction of property can be associated with the three members of the robbery gang, Nene, Mereles, Dorda, who are incredibly high on alcohol and drugs. A community that allows consumption and the supply of drugs builds up boards o f immorality. Although police officers are in possession of guns, they experience a tough fight in the second scene of robbery from the entire gang. The film director uses this scene to show the manner in which the society is in possession of illegal firearms that can prove more powerful than those of the governmental officers can. This is because the gang takes control of the fight for about fifteen hours where they offered complete resistance to three hundred Uruguay armed police officers. In most films, the government usually has an upper hand in the fight but the director chooses to have the gang become more powerful despite police officers use of firearms, tears gas, toxic gas, intelligence devices and grenades. Gay relationships are a major theme in this film with the Nene and Angel acting different from the relationships portrayed in the film Philadelphia. The relationship in Philadelphia depicts complications where one of the characters has HIV/Aids and has to hide at home t o avoid people noticing his homosexuality. Beckett reasons for not proclaiming that he was gay to his fellow workmates were associated with the manner they talked about the homosexuality issue during their leisure talks. These two men in Plata Quemada, Nene and Angel, have a relationship centered on the game of love, hate, pain and passion. In addition, the presentation of gay lovers in a film presented in the genre of thriller is quite rare and adds on to the differences of these two films. The buildup of these two lovers is so string such that madness s depicted in places where jealousy is employed. The entire contrast between the movie characters’ affection and the violence in the entire film brings a unique aspect in the film. The gay lovers in Plata Quemada are realistic in the manner they enact around each other. For instance, their closeness and affection is felt when one of them is shot and the other in outraged pain shoots out bullets at the police officers. Since ga ys are lovers and are in a relationship they are bound to get jealous this is portrayed when El Nene notices Giselle and unexpectedly turns his head. The director shows jealousy in Angel that he explains in similar to murderous jealousy. Comparing these gays in praxis with the ones depicted in the film poison, John Broom and Jack Bolton do not seriously enact out their relationship. The entire film depicts representation and desire the main character in this depiction IS John Broom. The film